Microboss Hightech

A new company to develop the solutions for pathology and environmental issues
Duissernstraße 65a
47058 Duisburg, Germany
+49 (0)203 555 858 31
+49 (0)203 35 82 99
+49 (0)160 754 56 58 (Whats App)
+49 (0)170 350 37 79 (Whats App)

Genekam Biotechnology AG has decided to bring a small company to serve the market of virology, mycology and other related issues for veterinary and agricultural sciences. This company is called MICROBOSS Hightech.

At present, we have a number of kits for veterinary pathogens. These kits are important for monitoring and testing the pathogens in the laboratory and under the field conditions. There are two kinds of kits e.g. conventional PCR and real time PCR kits. Many of these kits are being sold on the market since 2004 as they were developed. We are going to develop also a number of services also for some of genetic defects or mutation e.g. gendering of animals. There will be an attempt to address the issues of veterinary reproduction medicine to increase milk yield and at the time to develop the methods to reduce the loss of animals caused through pathogens and economic loss enhancing factors like stress and vectors. There are a few ready-to-use PCR kits available for detection of plant viruses as such pathogens are causing a huge economic loss to world economy, hence it makes sense to do the testing of presence of such pathogens in seeds or plants. Many of viruses are arthropod borne, hence our test will make possible to collect these insects and test them what kind of viruses are present in them. These tests can be used to monitor the success of control measurements like pesticide use. With the use of our tests, one can judge the success of use of pesticide control too.

We recommend all people to screen their seeds before using them because a number of times, the seeds are infected with these pathogens leading to infection the crop and low production or destruction of whole work of months. We are offering you ready to use gel agarose tests i.e. the results can be seen in the gel agarose. Gel agarose PCR systems are quite economic and they can be sourced from a number of companies. The kits contain everything like polymerase, taq, enzymes, dNTP, buffer, primers, positive and negative controls. One needs to add only RNA and DNA to it and run the test in machine.

We are developing multiplex assays as they will be in position to screen the seeds quickly in spite of less sensitivity against single testing, where the costs and time needed are more. Similarly, there are ready to use real time PCR, which can be used on different kinds of machines. They need all components to run the assays. These kits are well validated and gave excellent results. Try them and let us know your views to improve our quality.

Bacteria and Parasites (Conventional PCR Kit)

click on the headers to sort

Cat. No. ⇌ Manuals Name of Product ⇌ Docs Storage Temp ⇌ Amount ⇌ Price*
MB-K001 Mycoplasma genus in cell culture
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K002 Mycoplasma bovis
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K003 Mycoplasma mycoidis
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K004 Mycoplasma iowae
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K005 Mycoplasma meleagridis
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K006 Mycoplasma gallisepticum
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K007 Mycoplasma synoviae
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K008 Mycoplasma agalactiae
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K009 Mycoplasma hyorhinis
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K010 Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K013 Chlamydia psittaci
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K014 Chlamydia trachomatis
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K016 Campylobacter jejuni
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K017 Leptospira
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K018 Borrelia burgdorferi
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K021 Leishmania donovani
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K023 Toxoplasma gondii
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K032 Mycobacterium avium (subsp. paratuberculosis) DOUBLE CHECK
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K033 Mycobacterium bovis
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K038 Mycobacterium complex (to differentiate between TB and non-TB)
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K041 Mycoplasma felis
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K046 Helicobacter pylori
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K047 Coxiella burnetii
Microboss PCR Kits for veterinary medicine
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K048 Mycoplasma bovigenitalium
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K065 Echinococcus granulosus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K069 Listeria monocytogenes
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K070 Taylorella equigenitalis
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K076 Legionella pneumoniae
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K081 Renibacterium salmoninarum
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K116 Neospira caninum
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K118 Mycoplasma alkalescens
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K119 Mycoplasma bovirhinis
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K125 Mareks Disease
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K136 Listeria monocytogenes Serotyping (under development)
-20°C 100
MB-K154 Salmonella enteritidis
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K155 Mycobacterium genavense (incl. 1 genesequencing)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K156 Mycoplasma conjunctivae
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K157 Salmonella typhimurium
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K159 Aeromonas salmonicida
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K170 Clostridium genus (incl. 2 genesequencings)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K176 Streptococcus genus
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K178 Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus)
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K197 Borrelia burgdorferi genotyping
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K197 Borrelia burgdorferi genotyping
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K205 Flavobacterium psychrophilum
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K206 Yersinia ruckeri
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K216 Bacillus anthracis (common)
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K221 Bacillus anthracis (toxic and non-toxic)
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K222 Bacillus anthracis (multiple genes)
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-K226 Detecting of Biofilm producing bacteria
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K243 Enterobacter sakazakii
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K245 E. coli strain of recent outbreak (O104:H4)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K246 Unknown bacteria in samples (including 3 genesequencing)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K247 Multilocus sequence typing of Borrelia burgdorferi
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K250 Clostridium perfringens (alpha) Toxin
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K251 Clostridium perfringens (beta) Toxin
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K252 Clostridium perfringens (epsilon) Toxin
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K253 Clostridium perfringens (iota) Toxin
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K254 Clostridium perfringens Enterotoxin
-20°C 1ßß 299,-€
MB-K255 Clostridium perfringens-2 (beta 2) Toxin
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K256 Clostridium perfringens geneotyping based on six toxins (multiplex PCR)
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K257 Clostridium difficile (single check)
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K258 Clostridium difficile (double check)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K259 Toxogenic clostridium difficile (Toxin A)
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K260 Clostridium difficile (triple check)
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-K291 Bartonella genus
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K328 Pasteurella multocida genotype B:2
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K329 Pasteurella multocida genotype A,B,D,E,F
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K330 Pasteurella multocida and mannheimia haemolytica
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K337 Leptospira interrogans
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K338 Leptospira interrogans & Leptospira kirschneri
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K341 Identification of Mycobacterium bovis BCG
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K343 Differentiate between Mycobacterium bovis BCG and Mycobacterium (strict sense /non BCG)
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K346 Mycobacterium avium sp paratuberculosis (genotyping 1, II and III)
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-K399 Tritrichomonas foetus
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K708 Yersinia enterocolitica
Yersinia enterocolitica PCR Kit Microboss
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K713 Rickettsia rickettsii
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K714 Legionella genus
Legionella Genus PCR Kit Microboss
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K718 Mycobacterium genus
Mycobacterium genus PCR Kit Microboss
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K726 Cryptosporidium Parvum
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K731 Mycobacterium avium (subsp. paratuberculosis) SINGLE CHECK (IS900)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K732A Salmonella sp. 100
Salmonella PCR Kit Microboss
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K732B Salmonella sp. 1000
-20°C 1000 2500,-€
MB-K741 Shigella (Shigellas dysenteriae)
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K751 Pasteurella multocida
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K752 Pasteurella multocida (Toxigenic)
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K756A Campylobacter genus
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K756B Campylobacter genus (incl. 2 genesequencings)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K760 Mycobacterium avium (subsp. avium)
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K766 Mycoplasma mycoides cluster
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K767 Mycoplasma mycoides & agalactiae multi
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K768 Campylobacter fetus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K790 Staphylococcus genus
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K791 Staphylococcus aureus
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K792 Escherichia coli double check
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K796 Mycoplasma capricolum
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K797 Mannheimia haemolytica
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K842 Brucella melitensis
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K867 E coli O157:H7
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K868 Vibrio parahaemolyticus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K869 GMO for Foods (target 35s and NOS)
-20°C 100 399,-€
* Prices are ex factory, shipping charges and sales tax are extra. Our business terms apply

Fungi (Conventional PCR Kit)

click on the headers to sort

Cat. No. ⇌ Manuals Name of Product ⇌ Docs Storage Temp ⇌ Amount ⇌ Price*
MB-K043 Candida albicans
100 299,-€
MB-K072 Aspergillus fumigatus (incl. 2 genesequencings)
100 299,-€
MB-K106 Candida albicans + Aspergillus fumigatus + Fusarium
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K107 Fusarium
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K108 Candida albicans + Aspergillus fumigatus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K195 Cryptococcus neoformans
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K268 Multiplex PCR for detection of different Candida strains: C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. Dubliniesis
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K269 Candida tropicalis
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K270 Candida glabrata
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K271 Candida dubliniesis
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K317 Fusarium spp.
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K318 Trichothecene-producing Fusarium spp.
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K319 Fumonisin-producing Fusarium spp.
-20°C 100 299,-€
* Prices are ex factory, shipping charges and sales tax are extra. Our business terms apply

DNA-Viruses (Conventional PCR Kit)

click on the headers to sort

Cat. No. ⇌ Manuals Name of Product ⇌ Docs Storage Temp ⇌ Amount ⇌ Price*
MB-K066 Duck Virus Enteritis (DVE)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K073 Pistticane Beak and Feather disease virus (PBFD for parrots & birds)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K074 Avian Polyoma virus (APV) for parrots & birds
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K092 Equine Herpes Virus 1+4 (Multiplex Single PCR)
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K093 Canine Herpes Virus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K096 Feline Herpes Virus (FHV)
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K114 MB-K114 Bovine Herpes Virus (BHV-1)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K115 Avian Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT)
100 399,-€
MB-K115 Avian Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K120 FOWL POX (Poultry)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K123 Koi Herpes Virus (KHV)
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K124 Avian Polyoma Virus and feather disease: MULTIPLEX SINGLE PCR
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K134 Porcine Parvovirus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K135 Pachecovirus
-20°C 100
MB-K150 Canine Adeno Virus 2 (CAV-2)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K151 Canine Parvovirus (CPV)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K168 Pigeon Circovirus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K169 Canine Adeno Virus 1 (CAV-1)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K172 Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K173 Feline Panleukopenia Virus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K265 Ovine Herpes Virus-2
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K345 Lumpy-skin disease virus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K711 Poricine Circovirus 2
-20°C 100 399,-€
* Prices are ex factory, shipping charges and sales tax are extra. Our business terms apply

Blood Parasites (Conventional PCR Kit)

click on the headers to sort

Cat. No. ⇌ Manuals Name of Product ⇌ Docs Storage Temp ⇌ Amount ⇌ Price*
MB-K022 Babesia gibsoni
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K078 Babesia bovis
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K097 Anaplasma phagocytophilum
100 399,-€
MB-K097 Anaplasma phagocytophilum
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K261 Trypanosoma evansi
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K262 Trypanosoma
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K719 Babesia caballi
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K720 Babesia equi
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K750 Theileria annulata
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K753 Theileria genus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K793 Babesia genus
-20°C 100 399,-€
* Prices are ex factory, shipping charges and sales tax are extra. Our business terms apply

Species - Specific Tests (Conventional PCR Kit)

click on the headers to sort

Cat. No. ⇌ Manuals Name of Product ⇌ Docs Storage Temp ⇌ Amount ⇌ Price*
MB-K020 DNA Birdsexing
100 299,-€
MB-K020 DNA Birdsexing
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K024 Identification of species-specific DNA (bovine)
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K026 Identification of species-specific DNA (ovine)
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K027 Identification of species-specific DNA (buffalo)
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K028 Identification of species-specific DNA (chicken)
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K029 Identification of species-specific DNA (porcine)
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K030 Identification of species-specific DNA (fish)
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K035 Identification of species-specific DNA (buffalo&cow)
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K079 Identification of turkey specific DNA
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K082 DNA Birdsexing (crane)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K083 DNA Birdsexing (falcon)
-20°C 100
MB-K171 Ostrich Sexing
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K198 DNA Birdsexing verification test
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K299 Bovine sexing
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-K362 Microboss Barcode (avian):Ready to use PCR kit for barcoding birds + 10 free genesequencings
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K363 Microboss Barcode (avian):Ready to use PCR kit for barcoding birds containing genesequencing solutions
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K364 Microboss barcode (mammals):Ready to use PCR Kit for barcoding mammals + 10 free genesequencings
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K365 Microboss barcode (mammals): Ready to use PCR kit for barcoding mammals containing genesequencing solutions
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K366 Microboss barcode (fish):Ready to use PCR Kit for barcoding fish + 10 free genesequencings
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K367 Microboss barcode (fish):Ready to use PCR Kit for barcoding fish containing genesequencing solutions
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K368 Mammal-DNA specific PCR kit
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K369 Genotyping Knockout Mice
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K370 Genotyping Knockout Mice incl. DNA Isolation kit
-20°C 100 249,-€
MB-K603 Identification of species-specific DNA (horses) (including 1 genesequencing)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K703 Identification of species-specific DNA (cats) (including 1 genesequencing)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K704 Identification of canine-specific DNA (dogs)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K705 Identification of species-specific DNA (camels)
-20°C 100 299,-€
* Prices are ex factory, shipping charges and sales tax are extra. Our business terms apply

RNA - Viruses (Conventional PCR Kit)

click on the headers to sort

Cat. No. ⇌ Manuals Name of Product ⇌ Docs Storage Temp ⇌ Amount ⇌ Price*
MB-K031 Canine distemper Virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K034 Tick-borne encephalitis TBE (human)
-20°C 100 899,-€
MB-K042 PRRSV (porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus)
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K049 Newcastle Disease NDV poultry
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-K059 Bovine viral diarrhoea virus BVDV
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K060 Rotavirus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K064 Bovine respiratory syncytial virus
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-K077A Rabies Virus
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K077B Rabies Virus (incl. 5 genesequencings)
-20°C 100 899,-€
MB-K111 Bluetongue Virus BTV
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-K113 Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV)
-20°C 100
MB-K121 Infectious Bursal disease IBDV Gumboro disease
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-K122A Fluhunter: Avian Influenza virus H9, H5, N1
-20°C 100 899,-€
MB-K122B Fluhunter: Avian Influenza virus H9, H5, N1 incl. 2 sequencings
-20°C 100 999,-€
MB-K122C Fluhunter: Avian Influenza virus H9, H5, N1 incl. 15 genesequencings
-20°C 100 1499,-€
MB-K122D Fluhunter: Influenza virus H3N2
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K123B Fluhunter: Ready to use avian influenza virus H5N1 : human only incl. 2 free sequencings DUPLEX PCR DOUBLE CHECK
-20°C 100 999,-€
MB-K125 Mareks Disease
-20°C 100
MB-K127A Fluhunter: Avian Influenza virus H5, N1, H7 and H9
-20°C 100 999,-€
MB-K127B Fluhunter: Avian Influenza virus H5, H7, H9 incl. 15 genesequencings
-20°C 100 1599,-€
MB-K131 Bovine Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 BPIV3
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K135 Pachecovirus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K149 Foot-and-mouth-disease FMD genotyping: O, A, C, asia1
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K174 Bovine Leukemia Virus (pro DNA)
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K177A Fluhunter: Avian Influenza virus H5, H7
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-K194 H5N8 Influenza Virus
-20°C 100
MB-K196 Parapoxvirus (Orf)
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K199 Avian Reo Virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K200 FIP (Feline infectious peritonitis virus)
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K203A Fluhunter: Influenza A virus (one step)
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K203B Fluhunter: Influenza A virus incl. 2 genesequencings
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-K223 Foot-and-mouth-disease FMD triple check
-20°C 100 999,-€
MB-K229 Pestes des petit ruminants PPR
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K230 Fluhunter: Genotyping of Influenza Viruses H3, H4, H8, H9, H12, H14
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K231 Fluhunter: Genotyping of Influenza Viruses H1, H2, H5, H6, H12
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K232 Fluhunter: Genotyping of Influenza Viruses H7, H10, H15
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K233 Fluhunter: Genotyping of Influenza Viruses H9, H11, H13, H16
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K234 Fluhunter: Genotyping of all Influenza Viruses H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, H16
-20°C 100 1499,-€
MB-K249 Sandfly fever sicilian virus
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K267 Arthropod-Borne Universal Flavivirus kit (It detects Dengue virus, West nile virus, JEV, TEBV, Yellow fever, St. Luis Encephalitis Virus and other flaviviruses of athropod like Mosquitoes an...
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K300 Schmallenberg Virus (triple check)
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-K303 Fluhunter: Influenza H7
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K313 Fluhunter: Ready to use PCR kit for H3N2 (Iowa strain)
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K314 Ebola Virus Zaire Strain
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K316 Ebola Virus Sudan strain
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K331A Fluhunter: Avian Influenza virus H9 (one step)
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K332A Fluhunter: Avian Influenza H7 (one step)
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K333A Fluhunter: Avian Influenza H5 (one step)
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K334A Universal Fluhunter 1: Universal PCR kit for Matrix gene (M-gene) decoding and detection of all Influenza viruses + genesequencing chemicals included
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K334B Universal Fluhunter 1: Universal PCR kit for Matrix gene (M-gene) of all Influenza viruses + 10 genesequencings
-20°C 100 1199,-€
MB-K347 Fluhunter: Detection of 15 H Subtypes of avian influenza viruses H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11, H12, H13, H14, H15
-20°C 100 1299,-€
MB-K348 Fluhunter: Detection of 9 N subtypes of avian influenza virus N1 to N9
-20°C 100 999,-€
MB-K349 Detection of 15 H subtypes and 9 N subtypes of avian influenza virus
-20°C 100 1699,-€
MB-K350 Fluhunter: Detection of equine influenza virus H3N8
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K351 Fluhunter: Detection of equine influenza virus H7
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K354 Fluhunter -Corona (Universal Kit) with 5 genesequencings
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K355 Fluhunter -Corona (Universal Kit) with 25 genesequencings
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K356 Fluhunter-Corona Plus (Universal kit) with 5 genesequencings
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-K358 Fluhunter-Corona Plus (Universal kit) with 50 genesequencings
-20°C 100 999,-€
MB-K360 Fluhunter Middle East SARS virus (Single Check):Ready to use PCR Kit to detect the middle east SARS virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K361 Fluhunter Middle East SARS virus (Double Check):Ready to use PCR Kit to detect the middle east SARS virus
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K410A West Nile Virus WNV
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K410B West Nile Virus WNV (incl. 2 genesequencings)
-20°C 100 899,-€
MB-K413 Fluhunter: Influenza virus N1
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K723 Crimean Congo haemorrhagic Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K724 Rift Valley Fever (genesequencing)
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K724 Rift Valley Fever (genesequencing)
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K729 Foot-and-mouth-disease FMD
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K730 Rinderpest (free genesequencing)
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K734A Mosquito borne flaviviruses (Universal solution)
-20°C 100 899,-€
MB-K734B Mosquito borne flaviviruses (Universal solution) +10 genesequencings
-20°C 100 1299,-€
MB-K734C Mosquito borne flaviviruses (Universal solution) +30 genesequencings
-20°C 100 1999,-€
MB-K734D Mosquito borne flaviviruses (Universal solution) +70 genesequencings
-20°C 100 2899,-€
MB-K735B Classical swine fever virus CSFV DOUBLE CHECK + Pestivirus CSFV, BVDV, BDV + Classic swine fever virus + 2 genesequencing
-20°C 100 1199,-€
MB-K746 H1N1 of swine origin circulating in swine (single check) This assay should be used to detect H1N1 of swine origin in the samples of animals like pigs. This assay cannot detect recently outbr...
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-K764 Bovine viral diarrhoea virus 1 and 2 (Genotyping)
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-K769 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza virus H9 incl. 2 genesequencings
-20°C 100 999,-€
MB-K803 Feline Calicivirus FCV
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K842 Brucella melitensis
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K849 Contagious Caprina pleuropneumoniae (CCPP)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K857 H7N9 Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-K865 H9N2 Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€

Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHD)

-20°C 100 599,-€
* Prices are ex factory, shipping charges and sales tax are extra. Our business terms apply

Biodefence Detection Products

click on the headers to sort

Cat. No. ⇌ Manuals Name of Product ⇌ Docs Storage Temp ⇌ Amount ⇌ Price*
MB-BIO001 Francisella tularensis 100
-20°C 100
MB-BIO002 Francisella tularensis and Francisella like
-20°C 100
MB-BIO004 Rinderpest
-20°C 100
MB-BIO005 Foot and mouth disease
-20°C 100
MB-BIO006 Coxiella burnetii
-20°C 100
MB-BIO007 Anthrax
-20°C 100
* Prices are ex factory, shipping charges and sales tax are extra. Our business terms apply


click on the headers to sort

Cat. No. ⇌ Manuals Name of Product ⇌ Docs Storage Temp ⇌ Amount ⇌ Price*
EDU03 Detection of pathogenic bacteria (Salmonella)
-20°C 100 199,-€
EDU03 Detection of pathogenic bacteria (Salmonella)
-20°C 100 199,-€
* Prices are ex factory, shipping charges and sales tax are extra. Our business terms apply

Molecular Antibiotic Resistant Test (Conventional PCR Kit)

click on the headers to sort

Cat. No. ⇌ Manuals Name of Product ⇌ Docs Storage Temp ⇌ Amount ⇌ Price*
MB-K080A MRSA Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus with internal control
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-K080B MRSA with two internal controls: Staphylococcus and Staphylococcus aureus
-20°C 100 699,-€
* Prices are ex factory, shipping charges and sales tax are extra. Our business terms apply

Multiplex PCR (Conventional PCR Kit)

click on the headers to sort

Cat. No. ⇌ Manuals Name of Product ⇌ Docs Storage Temp ⇌ Amount ⇌ Price*
MB-K738A Mycoplasma synoviae + Mycoplasma gallisepticum
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K738B Mycoplasma synoviae + Mycoplasma gallisepticum
-20°C 1000
MB-K739 Mycoplasma hypopneumoniae + Mycoplasma hyorhinis
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-K767 Mycoplasma mycoides cluster & Mycoplasma agalactiae
-20°C 100 399,-€
* Prices are ex factory, shipping charges and sales tax are extra. Our business terms apply

Bacterial Toxins (Conventional PCR Kit)

click on the headers to sort

Cat. No. ⇌ Manuals Name of Product ⇌ Docs Storage Temp ⇌ Amount ⇌ Price*
MB-K137 E. coli Verotoxin 1 (VT1)
-20°C 100
MB-K138 E. coli Verotoxin 2 (VT2)
-20°C 100
MB-K139 E. coli Verotoxin 2e (VT2e)
-20°C 100
MB-K140 E. coli attaching and effacing mechanisms (eaeA)
-20°C 100
MB-K141 E. coli cytotoxic necrotizing factors 1 (CNF1)
-20°C 100
MB-K142 E. coli cytotoxic necrotizing factors 2 (CNF2)
-20°C 100
MB-K143 E. coli heat-labile toxin 1 (LTI)
-20°C 100
MB-K144 E. coli heat-stable toxin 1 (STI)
-20°C 100
MB-K145 E. coli heat-stable toxin 2 (STII)
-20°C 100
MB-K146 E. coli entrooinvasive mechanisms (Einv)
-20°C 100
MB-K147 E. coli entrooinvasive mechanisms (Einv)
-20°C 100
* Prices are ex factory, shipping charges and sales tax are extra. Our business terms apply

GMO (Conventional PCR Kit)

click on the headers to sort

Cat. No. ⇌ Manuals Name of Product ⇌ Docs Storage Temp ⇌ Amount ⇌ Price*
MB-K304 Ready to use PCR kit (GM Soybean: detecting EPSPS)
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K305 Ready to use PCR kit (GM Soybean: detecting P35S)
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K306 Ready to use PCR kit (GM Soybean: detecting NOS)
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K308 Ready to use PCR kit (GM Maize: detecting bt176)
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K309 Ready to use PCR kit (GM Maize: detecting bt11)
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K310 Ready to use PCR kit (GM Maize: detecting Mon 810)
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K311 Ready to use PCR kit (GM Maize: detecting T14/T25)
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-K771 Soybean specific (internal control) DNA
-20°C 100 199,-€
* Prices are ex factory, shipping charges and sales tax are extra. Our business terms apply

Mini Kits (Conventional PCR)

click on the headers to sort

Cat. No. ⇌ Manuals Name of Product ⇌ Docs Storage Temp ⇌ Amount ⇌ Price*
MB-MK001 Mycoplasma genus
-20°C 50 199,-€
MB-MK010 Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
-20°C 50 149,-€
MB-MK021 Leishmania donovani
-20°C 50 199,-€
MB-MK046 Helicobacter pylori
-20°C 50 199,-€
MB-MK123 Koi Herpes Virus (KHV)
-20°C 50 199,-€
MB-MK169 Canine Adeno Virus 1 (CAV-1)
-20°C 50 199,-€
MB-MK203 Influenza virus A
-20°C 50 399,-€
MB-MK234 Genotyping of Influenza Viruses H1, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11, H12, H13, H14, H15, H16
-20°C 50 999,-€
MB-MK731 Mycobacterium avium (subsp. paratuberculosis)
-20°C 50 199,-€
MB-MK752 Pasteurella multocida (Toxigenic)
-20°C 50 199,-€
MB-MK792 Escherichia coli double check
-20°C 50 159,-€
* Prices are ex factory, shipping charges and sales tax are extra. Our business terms apply

Ready To Use Pcr Kits (real time PCR)

click on the headers to sort

Cat. No. ⇌ Manuals Name of Product ⇌ Docs Storage Temp ⇌ Amount ⇌ Price*
MB-FR001 Leptospira
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-FR002 Coxiella burnetii
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR005 Fluhunter: Influenza A virus
Influenza A and Middle east Respiratory Syndrome Virus PCR Kit Microboss
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR006 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza virus H5N1
H5N1 PCR Kit Microboss
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR010 Borrelia Burgdorferi
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR014A Mycobacterium avium sp. paratuberculosis 100
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR014B Mycobacterium avium sp. paratuberculosis 1000
-20°C 1000
MB-FR017 Gram-negative bacteria
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-FR021 Gram-positive Bacteria
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR022 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza virus H7
-20°C 100 999,-€
MB-FR026 Avian infectious laryngotracheitis
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR027 Infectious bronchitis virus IBV
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR028 Mareks Disease virus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR029 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza virus H5N1 - One Step
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR030 Mycoplasma gallisepticum
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-FR032 Newcastle disease virus
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR034 Salmonella sp.
Salmonella PCR Kit Microboss
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-FR035 Blue tongue virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR036 Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
Influenza A and Middle east Respiratory Syndrome Virus PCR Kit Microboss
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR044 Feline Herpes Virus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR045 Bovine Herpes Virus 1 BHV-1
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR046 Bovine viral diarrhoea virus BVDV
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR047 Foot and mouth disease FMD
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR048 mammal DNA - internal control
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR049 Campylobacter jejuni
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-FR050 Listeria monocytogenes
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR051 Rabies virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR052 Candida albicans
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR053 Aspergillus fumigatus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR054 Anaplasma phagocytophilum
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR055 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza virus H9
Influenza H9 PCR Kit Microboss
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR056 Bacillus anthracis
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR058 Fluhunter: Influenza virus H1
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR059 Fluhunter: Influenza virus H3
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR064 Chicken DNA
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR065 Bovine DNA
-20°C 100
MB-FR069 Rift Valley fever virus
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR070 West nile virus
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR072 Bovine Respiratory syncytial virus
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR076 Toxoplasma gondii
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-FR078 Infectious Bursal disease IBDV - Gumboro disease
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR079 Pestes des petit ruminants PPR
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR080 Chlamydia spp.
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR081 Brucella spp.
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR082 Rota virus A
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR084 Lumpy skin disease virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR085 Glanders
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR087 Fluhunter: Influenza virus N2
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR088 Fluhunter: Influenza virus N1
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR092 Bovine ephemeral fever
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR093 Babesia bigemina
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR094 Babesia bovis
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR095 Tick Born Encephalitis
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR098 Tick-RNA
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR099 Koi Herpes Virus KHV
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-FR100 Koi Herpes Virus KHV internal control
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR1010 Influenza virus H5N5
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR1011 Influenza virus H5N5 and Influenza virus H5N8 (two in one)
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR1012 SARS CoV-2 (coronavirus of the recent outbreak)
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR1013 SARS CoV-2 and middle east virus syndrome virus (MERS)
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR101W Realtime Fluhunter: Influenza A
Influenza A PCR Kit Microboss
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR102W Realtime Fluhunter: Swine Influenza A
-20°C 100 899,-€
MB-FR104 Classical swine fewer virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR106 Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR107 Clostridium perfringes serotype B
-20°C 100 1199,-€
MB-FR109 Legionella pneumoniae
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR110 Clostridium perfringes serotype A
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR111 Clostridium perfringes serotype C
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR112 Clostridium perfringes serotype D
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR113 Clostridium perfringes serotype E
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR114 Clostridium perfringes toxin α
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR115 Clostridium perfringes toxin β
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR116 Clostridium perfringes toxin ε
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR117 Clostridium perfringes toxin ι
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR118 Poultry DNA
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-FR119 Mammal internal control for RNA based targets viruses
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-FR120 Francisella tularensis
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR121 Francisella tularensis double check
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR122 Giardia lamblia
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-FR123 Gram negative and positive bacteria
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR125 Total bacterial load
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-FR126 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza Virus Group A, H5, H7, H9
-20°C 100 899,-€
MB-FR127 Mycoplasma synoviae
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR127a Mycoplasma synoviae + Mycoplasma gallisepticum
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR151 Fluhunter-Middle East-SARS-Real (Single Check)
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR152 Fluhunter-Middle East-SARS-Real (Double check)
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR167 Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR176 Hepatitis E virus
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR177 Fluhunter: Influenza H6 virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR178 Fluhunter: Influenza H6 + H9 + Internal control (poultry)
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR185 Taylorella equigenitalis
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR186 Canina Parvovirus
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-FR187 Trypanosoma evansi
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR189 Rabies Genotyping (1,5 and 6)
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR192 Rotavirus A + Mammal (including human) Internal Control
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR194 Brucella abortus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR195 Brucella abortus + Internal control
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR200 FMD (Foot and Mouth virus) + Rinderpest virus
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR201 Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR202 Avian Polyoma Virus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR203 Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease PBFD
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR204 Pasteurella multocida
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR205 Theileria annulata
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR209 Chlamydia psittaci
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR210 African Swine Fever
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR212 Legionella pneumophila
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR213 Respiratory synctial virus A & B
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR214 HPV High Risk Genotyping (16,18,31,33)
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR215 Norovirus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR216 Hepatitis A virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR220 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza H8 virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR221 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza H12 virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR223 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza H6 virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR224 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza H4 virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR225 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza H7N9 virus
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR226 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza H7N9 virus + Mammal (incl. Human) Internal control
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR227 Equine Herpes Virus-1
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-FR228 Equine Herpes Virus-2
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-FR230 Fluhunter: N3-Influenza-virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR231 Fluhunter: N8-Influenza-virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR232 Fluhunter: N9-Influenza-virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR233 Fluhunter: N6 Influenza virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR243 Fluhunter: N7 Influenza virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR244 Fluhunter: N5 Influenza virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR245 Fluhunter: N4 Influenza virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR246 Fluhunter: H6N1 Influenza virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR247 Fluhunter: H3N2 Influenza virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR248 Fluhunter: H5N8 Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR249 Fluhunter: H5N8 Influenza virus + mammal (incl. Human) internal control
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR250 Fluhunter: H5N8 Influenza virus + avian internal control
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR251 Fluhunter: H5N1 Influenza virus + avian internal control
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR255 Avian Polyoma virus + Beak and Feather disease virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR256 Fluhunter: H10N9 Influenza virus
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR257 Mycobacterium tuberculosis /Rifampicin resistance
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR258 Mycobacterium bovis
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR259 Contagious caprine pleuropneumoniae (Mycoplasma capricolum)
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR260 Streptococcus Equi
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR261 Bovine Coronavirus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR262 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza H11
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR263 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza H10
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR264 Fluhunter: H10N8-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR265 Fluhunter:H6N1-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR266 Fluhunter:H6N6-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR267 Fluhunter: H4N6-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100
MB-FR268 Fluhunter:H4N2-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR269 Fluhunter:H4N5-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR270 Fluhunter: H4N9-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR271 Fluhunter: H9N2-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR272 Fluhunter: Influenza Virus H14
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR273 Fluhunter: Influenza Virus H15
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR274 Fluhunter: Influenza Virus H16
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR275 Fluhunter: H16N3 Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR276 Fluhunter: Influenza Virus H13
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR277 Fluhunter:H13N8-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR278 Fluhunter:H13N9-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR279 Fluhunter:H13N3-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR280 Fluhunter:H14N3-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR281 Fluhunter: H14N6-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR282 Fluhunter:H14N8-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR283 Fluhunter:H14N2-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR284 Fluhunter:H15N9-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR285 Fluhunter:H15N8-Avian Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR286 Bluetongue Virus serotype 1
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR287 Bluetongue Virus serotype 4
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR288 Bluetongue Virus serotype 6
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR289 Bluetongue Virus serotype 8
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR290 Theileria genus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR291 Anaplasma genus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR292 Babesia genus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR293 Epizootic haemorrhagic disease Virus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR295 Campylobacter jejuni,C.lari,C.coli Multiplex
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR296 Identification of Porcine DNA
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR297 Pseudomonas aeruginosa
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR298 Yersinia enterocolita
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR299 Vibrio parahaemolyticus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR300 Coronabacter sakazakii
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR301 Clostridium perfringens
Clostridium perfingens PCR Kit Microboss
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR302 Bacillus cereus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR303 Escherichia coli
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-FR304 Fluhunter: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus H5N1(Determination of virulence potential;PCR-typing of the pathogenicity)
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR305 Tritrichomonas foetus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR306 Eimeria tenella
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR313 Foot and mouth disease Virus (FMD), Type : Asia1
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR314 Foot and mouth disease Virus (FMD), Type : O
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR315 Foot and mouth disease Virus (FMD), Type : C
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR316 Foot and mouth disease Virus (FMD), Type : A
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR317 Bluetongue Virus 2
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR318 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza Virus H5
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR319 Brucella melitensis
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR331 Acinebacter baumanni
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR332 Canine distemper virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR334 Feline calicivirus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR335 Fowl Pox Virus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR338 Enterocytozoon bieneusi
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR349 Brucella melitensis
-20°C 100
MB-FR356 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza Virus H5N2
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR357 Fluhunter: Avian Influenza Virus H5N6
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR360 H7N7 Influenza Virus
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR382 Staphylocoocus aureus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR383 Mycoplasma in Cell culture
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR400 Avian Influenza Virus H5N8
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR401 White Spot Syndrome Virus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR402 Yellow Head Virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR403 Taura Syndrome Virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR404 White Spot Syndrome Virus + Yellow Head Virus
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR406 Avian Leukosis Virus
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR407 Sheep and Goat Pox
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR408 Infectious Bronchitis Virus (QX Strain)
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR409 Parapoxvirus (Orf)
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR410 Identification of Equine d n a
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR411 Egg Drop Syndrome
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR412 Clostridium difficile
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR417 Identification of Bovine d n a
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR418 Identification of chicken d n a
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR420 Trypanosoma equiperdum
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR421 African Horse Sickness Virus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR422 Equine Influenza Virus H7
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR423 Equine Infectious Anemia Virus
-20°C 100 699,-€
MB-FR458 Campylobacter genus
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-FR459 E coli 0101 H4
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR460 Shiga Toxin
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR462 Chicken anaemia virus
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR463 Mycobacterium avium ssp avium
Mycobacterium Avium PCR Kit Microboss
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR501 Chlamydia pneumoniae
-20°C 100 199,-€
MB-FR502 Chlamydia psittaci
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR503 Schmallenberg Virus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR561 Identification of Rabbit d n a
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR562 Identification of Water Buffalo d n a
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR563 Avian Reovirus
-20°C 100 499,-€
MB-FR564 Identification of canine D N A
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR565 Identification of feline D N A
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR566 Spring Viremia of Carp
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR567 Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
-20°C 100 299,-€
MB-FR568 Mannheimia haemolytica
-20°C 100 399,-€
MB-FR579 Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHD)
-20°C 100 599,-€
MB-FR580 Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHD) + Blutongue virus
-20°C 100 799,-€
MB-FR799 RNA Internal Control
-20°C 100 499,-€
* Prices are ex factory, shipping charges and sales tax are extra. Our business terms apply