We have developed methods to isolate the sperms from the testis of animals. These can be used to store the sperms or parts of testis to have the possibility to get the progeny in future or immediately. There are many incidents, where one can use these methods on important animals, which has best genetic material or traits. There is possibility that one can isolate the sperms from this testis of ceased animals (natural or accidental death). Such sperms can be diluted to inseminate more females in order to get the offspring immediately or there is possibility to use the sperms with modern methods like intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to get highest number of offspring later on resulting in development of zygotes , which can be transplanted later in female animals (embryo implantation). We offer solutions to do cryopreservation of these sperms and developed also methods to control the quality of these sperms immediately after enrichment or after thawing of frozen sperms. These solutions offer rare species of animals a new hope so that the offspring can be produced in sufficient number to stop getting them lost from earth. There is a possibility that one can send us testis of slaughtered or deceased animal to a laboratory, which can provide the isolated sperms to be used immediately or in frozen form to be stored in liquid nitrogen. If one has horse with special traits and it meets an fatal accident resulting in big loss. The laboratory can isolate the sperms to be used in future.
2. We developed technology to improve the quality of thawed sperms as the dead sperms are of no use during the insemination and it may be possible that they have negative effects during the progress of conceiving, therefore it is important that they should be removed. We have developed the methods or solutions to remove unwanted dead sperms from live cells. This method can be also important for the animals, where the number of sperms are low and there is a need of live sperms during the methods like ICSI. This method is based on magnetic field. One can discuss with us to perform the separation of live and dead sperms. This method may be important step for some zoo animals, where the number of dead sperms are very high.
3. We have developed a number of methods to access the quality of sperms e.g. different stains, hypo osmotic swelling test and flow cytometry methods. These methods can be used to find the exact number of live or dead cells, total count in an ejaculate and counting the defective or immature cells.
4. Parts of testis can be stored for long term in order to get the sperms later on or apply other methods to get the mature sperms from immature methods.